3 Things Every Newly Engaged Couple Should Know
With engagement season in full swing, we wanted to share a few tips to the soon-to-be-married couple about planning their wedding! We are thrilled that our advice was featured in Inspired by This. Before you start your Adventure Book, Here's 3 Things Every Newly Engaged Couple Should Know:
- Tradition is changing. Don’t feel like you have to stick to your mom’s traditions, society pressure, or friend expectations. You do you! Couples are making their weddings a symbol of their new values and dreams by changing things that have long since been part of the day. For example, gifting is getting less common as more couples are waiting until their late 20’s and early 30’s to get wed. This means that most couples will bring the traditional housewares typically gifted already into their home. Instead, they are asking for honeymoon funds, charity donations, or sometimes nothing at all.
- Here’s some hard truth: just because you’re engaged doesn’t mean you suddenly have money. I know you’ve dreamt of this day for your entire life and you wish you had a million dollars to blow on this fantastic party. But you can’t. You don’t need a lot of money to get married, it’s all in how you plan and the choices you make. What you do need a lot of is communication with your future spouse about what your budget it from the beginning; before you pick a place, before you pick a date. It needs to be a decision you make as soon as you’re out of the fog of your engagement, so that you both can start your life together in one accord, even before you are actually of one accord.
- Family is important, but it also isn’t the end goal. Involvement from family members has waned over the years, yielding to those who are like-family instead. Not every couple has a tight knit family that they can call on for help, so instead determine how much you want each family member to be involved. Try to forgo needless drama between you and your significant other by talking about what, and who, is important to you on your wedding day. Maybe there’s traditions or cultures that are surprisingly important to both, or neither, or you, and you can make way for some new special moments for you and your extended loved ones.
For more advice, visit Inspired by This, 15 PIECES OF ADVICE FOR RECENTLY ENGAGED COUPLES.
Post Published on February 17, 2017. Photo by Ja Tecson.